The Aftermath of NaNoWriMo… ((explained in fabulous gifs))

I have returned, Realmers, Marshmallows, and extraterrestrials!


So somehow, I managed to…

Win NaNoWriMo?



Once upon a time, at 8:14 PM on Thursday, November 30, EmeraldPhoenix wrote 20,000 words. She screamed her head off and did a happy dance that looked all to similar to this:


She marched around the house and danced with her dog as siblings and parents looked at her like she was crazy.


She then begged her mom to buy her a NaNoWriMo shirt, which the mom decided to tell her “Maybe”, which translates to hopefullyyouwillforgetabooutthisandiwonthave towastesixteenbucksonatshirtthatsayssuperpowerednoveling in mom speech.


So since it is very creepy that she is talking in third person, Emmie will stop now. XD


BUT MARSHMALLOWS–I WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i think i’ve used this one before

I was going to do a play-by-play of my daily word counts, but they ended up all being the same: I wrote this many words. I’m tired an’ I want marshmallows NOWWW XDDDD

Now for the great debate: am I a plotter or a pantser?

Remember this post?

For all you plotters, like me, October is spent laboring planning your novel. I’m a pure plotter. I love having my story all laid out for me and all organized ahead of time, so when I plunge in to November and lose my mind, I can still be organized and beat writers’ block real easily so yeah. 


Me now: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHHA yeah right. pure plotter? HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA heh. heh. hehe. ok. i’ll stop now.

SRSLY i sound so confident. But as I wrote my second novel, I got a…plot idea?

And I LOVED the plot idea, ok? And it also changed the course of my whole entire novel, so i pretty much threw caution my outline to the wind and wrote my novel un-outlined. It may have been the fact that I (a used 180000 different outlines (b like my last novel, I got confused with my different plots (c I JUST COULD NOT figure out how to write character arcs ugghhhh

So am I a plotter or a pantser? I’ll have to wait and see. When I do Camp in April, I’ll probably outline a whole lot more. Hopefully.

So when can we read this?

I hit 20k, but I’m actually still in the…wait for it…intro! 😮 this cray cray. I’ll go ahead and repeat the gif from above:


So I’ll lazily write a few chapters this December, but in Jan-Feb I hope to do some full-fledged novel writing. EEEEP I’M SUPER PSYCHED!


Bye for now!

Also, before I go, does anyone have any suggestions for a Christmas special for this blog? Thanks!

Most Writerly,

Ice Cream Party